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"R" is for the –
Act 2,
Scene 4
Lines 180-182

A discussion of the sound of "R" and the nurse's interpretation in myShakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, Act 2, Scene 4.


Doth not rosemary and Romeo begin both with a letter?


Ay, nurse; what of that? Both with an ‘R’.                    


Ah, mocker, that's the dog's name; ‘R’ is for the — No, I know

Being illiterate, the nurse only knows the sounds of words, not their spelling. To her, the words "Romeo" and "rosemary" don’t sound like they start with an "R."  She associates that sound with dogs (arr being the sound of a growl). She starts to say that "R" is also for the "arse," but stops herself.