RALPH: Thanks for being here, gentlemen. I know you're in the middle of a battle, so we're just grabbing you for a quick second. So you've made it to Macbeth's castle walls with your soldiers holding branches to disguise the strength of your army. Though you two have your own way of doing that, I guess.
MALCOLM: We're officers, Ralph. We can't be bothered with holding actual branches. But it's time to set those down anyway, now that we've reached the castle walls.
RALPH: Yes and I love the way you say that, here. Would you mind?
MALCOLM: Sure. Now near enough your leafy screens throw down, and show like those you are.
RALPH: Yes, I like that way of saying it, because well there's been a lot of talk in these interviews about how people look compared to who they really are. So now here are your troops, looking like trees, and suddenly showing themselves as the soldiers they really are.
MALCOLM: You think too much. And I'd like to tell my worthy uncle Siward that he and his right noble son should lead our first battle, then worthy Macduff and we shall handle whatever remains to be done.
RALPH: Did you just refer to yourself as we? Was that the royal we?
MALCOLM: Were getting close, Ralph.
RALPH: Well, Siward accepts your offer. It looks like the battle is about to begin.
MACDUFF: Make all our trumpets speak. Give them all breath, those clamorous harbingers of blood and death.
RALPH: If I were out there I wouldn't want to get in your way. Good luck, gentlemen.