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Act 2,
Scene 3

A porter hears knocking at the gate of Macbeth’s castle. It’s Macduff and Lennox, who have come to rouse Duncan. Macbeth arrives and tells them the king is still sleeping. Macduff heads off to wake the king, and promptly returns, screaming bloody murder. He wakes up the whole castle, including Lady Macbeth, who pretends to be shocked and horrified at the news. As planned, everyone suspects Duncan’s servants. Macbeth has gone to see the murder scene for himself, and when he comes back, he tells everyone that he’s killed the servants in a rather swift act of vengeance. Macduff is about to challenge Macbeth on his rash actions when Lady Macbeth fakes a fainting spell and distracts the men. Meanwhile, a horrified Malcolm and Donalbain make plans to flee Scotland. After all, if Duncan is dead, they’re in grave danger.

Modern English: 


Here’s a lot of knocking. If a man were porter of the gate to Hell, he’d have a lot of key-turning to do.

[Knocking inside]

Knock, knock, knock! Who is it, in the devil’s name? Oh, here’s a farmer who hoarded goods, and then hanged himself when the market fell. Come right in. Make sure you have enough handkerchiefs, you’re going to get sweaty in here.

[Knocking inside]

Knock, knock! Who's there, in the other devil's name? By God, here’s a smooth talker, who could swear under oath to both sides of an argument at the same time.  Although he committed treason for God’s sake, he couldn’t talk his way into heaven. Come on in, smooth talker.

[Knocking inside]

Knock, knock, knock! Who's this? Well, here’s an English tailor sent to hell for skimping on fabric for some fancy clothes: come on in, tailor; it’s hot enough to hear your iron in here!

[Knocking inside]

Knock, knock; it never stops! Who are you? But this place is too cold for Hell. I won’t be the devil’s porter any longer. I think I would have let in someone from just about every profession that takes the high road to Hell.

[Knocking inside]

I’m coming, I’m coming! Please, remember a tip for the porter.

[Opens the gate. Enter Macduff and Lennox]


Did you go to bed so late, friend, that you slept in till now?


Honestly, sir, we were partying until after the roosters started crowing in the morning. And drinking, sir, is known to bring about three things.


What three things does drinking bring about?


Well, sir, a red nose, sleeping, and urine. But when it comes to sex, sir, it provokes and it unprovokes. It gives you the desire, but it takes away your ability to perform. Therefore, you might say that drinking deceives you about sex. It makes you want to do it, but it messes with you so that you can’t. It turns you on, and then it turns you off. It gets you excited, then it discourages you. It gets you hard, and then makes you soft again. In conclusion, it tricks you into sleep, and when it deceives you, it leaves you.


I believe drinking did all of that to you last night.


Yes it did, sir, it had me by the throat with its lie, but I got back at it for that. And I think I was too strong for it, because even though it took my legs out from under me, I managed to toss it off.


Is your master up yet?

[Enter Macbeth]

Our knocking woke him up; here he comes.


Good morning, noble sir.


Good morning to you both.


Is the king up yet, worthy lord?


Not yet.


He ordered me to wake him up early. I almost missed the time.


I'll bring you to him.


I know you are glad to take this trouble, but still it’s trouble for you.


Any trouble that you enjoy cures the pains it causes. This is the door.


I’ll be bold and go in to wake him, since it’s my job.



Is the king leaving today?


He is. Well, that’s what he said he planned to do.


Last night was crazy. Our chimneys were blown down at the place where we were sleeping. People are saying they heard wailing and strange, deathly screams, and terrifying voices predicting utter catastrophe and disorder to come. An owl hooted all night long. Some people say the earth shook, as if it had a fever.


It was a rough night.


In my short memory, I can’t think of another night like it.

[Re-enter Macduff]


Oh horror, horror, horror! There are no words to describe or even imagine what I’ve just seen!

Macbeth & Lennox

What's the matter?


Destruction itself has created his best piece of work! A sacrilegious murderer has opened up the Lord’s temple and stolen the life within!


What did you just say? Its life?


Do you mean His Majesty?


Go in the bedroom. The scene will blind you, as if you looked upon Medusa. Don’t make me describe it. Look, and then you can speak for yourselves.

[Macbeth and Lennox exit]

Wake up, wake up! Sound the alarm. Murder! Treason! Banquo and Donalbain! Malcolm! Wake up! Shake yourself out of sleep, which just looks like death, and look at death itself. Get up, get up, and see what doomsday looks like! Malcolm! Banquo! Get out of your grave-like beds like spirits of the dead will do on judgment day, so that you might witness this terrible sight. Ring the bell.

[Bell rings. Enter Lady Macbeth]

Lady Macbeth

What's going on? Why is such a hideous sound waking up everyone who’s asleep in this house? Tell me, speak.


Oh gentle lady, what I have to say isn’t fit for your ears. Just saying it to a woman would kill her.

[Enter Banquo]

Oh Banquo, Banquo, our royal master has been murdered!

Lady Macbeth

Oh no! Oh God. Here, in our house?


It would be horrible no matter where it happened. Dear Macduff, I beg you, tell us you were lying, tell us it isn’t true!

[Re-enter Macbeth and Lennox, with Ross]


If I had died an hour before this happened, I would have lived in a golden age. Now, after this, life can have no meaning anymore. Everything is just a joke. Virtue and honor themselves have been wiped out. The wine of life is poured out, and only the dregs are left.

[Enter Malcolm and Donalbain]


What’s the matter?


You are, and you don’t know it. The spring where your blood comes from has been stopped. The very source of it has stopped.


Your royal father has been murdered.


What? By whom?


It appears that the servants in his chamber did it. Their hands and faces were smeared with blood. So were their daggers, which we found on their pillows unwiped. They stared at us in confusion. No one's life should have been entrusted to them.


Oh, I regret that I killed them in my fury.


What did you do that for?


Who on earth can be rational and bewildered, calm and furious, loyal and impartial, all at once? No man can do that! My love for the King inspired a violent rage that raced ahead of my reason. Duncan lay there, his royal blood covering his silver skin, and his gashes looked like holes in a castle wall, letting the enemy enter, allowing wasteful death to enter his body. And there were the murderers, dripping with the colors of their bloody profession, their daggers indecently covered with gore. How could anyone with a loving heart and the courage to act on it restrain himself from killing them?

Lady Macbeth

Help me, please!


Someone take care of the lady!


[Aside to Donalbain] Why are we keeping quiet when we are his sons and have the most at stake here?


[Aside to Malcolm] What can we say here, where a similar fate could be lying in ambush, and might rush out at any moment and seize us? Let 's get away from here; this is not yet the time to mourn.


[Aside to Donalbain] Nor is it the time for us to take our revenge.


Someone take care of the lady!

[Lady Macbeth is carried out]

And once we’ve dressed, let’s meet and discuss this bloody crime further, to see what we can learn. We’re shaken now by fears and doubts. But I put myself in God’s hands, and with his help I’ll oppose the secret plot behind this treasonous murder.


And so will I.


So will all of us.


Let’s dress and get ready quickly, and then all meet in the hall.


Sounds good.

[All exit but Malcolm and Donalbain]


What are you going to do? Let's not meet with them. Grief is an easy thing for liars to fake. I’ll go to England.


And I’ll go to Ireland. We’ll be safer if we are separated. Wherever we go, there will be daggers hiding behind men’s smiles. The more closely related we are to Duncan, the closer we are to being victims of murder.


The arrow of danger may have been shot, but it hasn’t hit us yet. The safest thing to do is get out of its way. So, let’s get our horses. No polite or formal good-byes, we’ll just leave immediately.  We’re justified in stealing ourselves away since there’s no kindness left here.

[All exit]