Lady Macbeth, 43-49aPerformance VideosAct 2,Scene 2Lines 43-49aLady Macbeth performs a speech from Act 2, Scene 2 of myShakespeare's Macbeth. myShakespeare | Macbeth 2.2 Performance: Lady Macbeth, 43-49a Video of myShakespeare | Macbeth 2.2 Performance: Lady Macbeth, 43-49a Lady Macbeth Who was it that thus cried? Why, worthy thane, You do unbend your noble strength, to think So brain-sickly of things. Go get some water, And wash this filthy witness from your hand. Why did you bring these daggers from the place? They must lie there. Go, carry them and smear The sleepy grooms with blood.