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The Witches' Servants
Context and Language Videos
Act 1,
Scene 1
Lines 9-13

An explanation of the witches' servants in Act 1, Scene 1 of myShakespeare's Macbeth

myShakespeare | Macbeth 1.1 Historical Reference: Witches' Servants

First Witch

I come, Graymalkin.

Second Witch

Paddock calls.    

Third Witch



Fair is foul, and foul is fair.
Hover through the fog and filthy air.
Video Transcript: 

RALPH: When a witch makes a pact with the devil, she is given an evil spirit to assist in performing black magic.

DAVINA: In order to be inconspicuous, the spirits take on the form of common animals such as cats, dogs, or toads.

RALPH: The witches spirits have called out to them. They are going to fly off to join their spirits, but not on broomsticks. They fly by making the air so dense and foggy that they float in it.