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Lucentio and Bianca, Lines 103-110
Performance Videos
Act 5,
Scene 1
Lines 103-110

Lucentio and Bianca perform lines 103-110 of Act 5, Scene 1 of myShakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew

myShakespeare | Taming of the Shrew 5.1 Performance: Lucentio and Bianca, Lines 103-110


That faced and braved me in this matter so?    


Why, tell me, is not this my Cambio?


Cambio is changed into Lucentio.
Love wrought these miracles. Bianca's love    
Made me exchange my state with Tranio,    
While he did bear my countenance in the town,  
And happily I have arrived at the last,    
Unto the wishèd haven of my bliss.