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Tranio and Hortensio, Lines 11a-43
Performance Videos
Act 4,
Scene 2
Lines 11-43

Tranio and Hortensio perform lines 11a-43 of Act 4, Scene 2 of myShakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew

myShakespeare | Taming of the Shrew 4.2 Performance: Tranio and Hortensio, Lines 11a-43


Quick proceeders, marry!     
[To Tranio-as-Lucentio] Now, tell me, I pray,   
you that durst swear that your mistress Bianca    
loved none in the world so well as Lucentio —    


O despiteful love! Unconstant womankind!    
I tell thee, Litio, this is wonderful.    

Hortensio (as himself)

Mistake no more; I am not Litio,
Nor a musician as I seem to be,
But one that scorn to live in this disguise    
For such a one as leaves a gentleman    
And makes a god of such a cullion.    
Know, sir, that I am called Hortensio.


Signor Hortensio, I have often heard
Of your entire affection to Bianca,    
And since mine eyes are witness of her lightness,    
I will with you, if you be so contented,
Forswear Bianca and her love for ever.    


See how they kiss and court! Signor Lucentio,
Here is my hand, and here I firmly vow
Never to woo her no more, but do forswear her    
As one unworthy all the former favors    
That I have fondly flattered her withal.


And here I take the like unfeigned oath,    
Never to marry with her though she would entreat.    
Fie on her! See how beastly she doth court him!


Would all the world but he had quite forsworn!    
For me, that I may surely keep mine oath,    
I will be married to a wealthy widow
Ere three days pass, which hath as long loved me    
As I have loved this proud disdainful haggard.    
And so farewell, Signor Lucentio.
Kindness in women, not their beauteous looks,
Shall win my love, and so I take my leave,
In resolution as I swore before.