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“Jack, boy, ho boy!”
Cultural Allusion
Act 4,
Scene 1
Lines 28-33

An explanation of Grumio’s allusion to a nursery rhyme in Act 4, Scene 1 of myShakespeare’s The Taming of the Shrew.


I prithee, good Grumio, tell me how goes the world?


A cold world, Curtis, in every office but thine,     
and therefore, fire. Do thy duty, and have thy duty, for
my master and mistress are almost frozen to death.


There's fire ready, and therefore, good Grumio, the news.    


Why, 'Jack, boy, ho boy!' and as much news as wilt thou.    

Grumio is quoting from a nursery rhyme:

Jack, boy, ho boy, news!

The cat is in the well,

Let us ring now for her knell,

Ding, dong, bell.

A knell is the ringing of the village bell to announce the news of a death, in this case the cat who fell into the well.