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Hortensio and Bianca, Lines 62-79
Performance Videos
Act 3,
Scene 1
Lines 62-79

Hortensio and Bianca perform lines 62-79 of Act 3, Scene 1 of myShakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew

myShakespeare | Taming of the Shrew 3.1 Performance: Hortensio and Bianca, Lines 62-79


Madam, before you touch the instrument,
To learn the order of my fingering,    
I must begin with rudiments of art,    
To teach you gamut in a briefer sort,    
More pleasant, pithy, and effectual
Than hath been taught by any of my trade,
And there it is in writing fairly drawn.    


Why, I am past my gamut long ago.    


Yet read the gamut of Hortensio.


[Reads the scale which he has written out for her]
Gamut — I am the ground of all accord,    
A re — to plead Hortensio's passion.
B mi — Bianca, take him for thy lord,
C fa ut — that loves with all affection.
D sol re — One clef, two notes have I.    
E la mi — Show pity, or I die.'
Call you this ‘gamut’? Tut, I like it not.    
Old fashions please me best; I am not so nice    
To change true rules for odd inventions.