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Hortensio’s Plan
Act 1,
Scene 2
Lines 158-169

An explanation of Hortensio's plan to gain access to Bianca in Act 1, Scene 2 of myShakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew


[Aside to Grumio] Peace, sirrah!    


[Aside] Grumio, mum! [Coming forward] God save you, Signor Gremio. 

Gremio (suitor)

And you are well met, Signor Hortensio. Trow you
I am going? To Baptista Minola. I promised to     
inquire carefully about a schoolmaster for the fair Bianca,
and by good fortune I have lighted well on this young
man, for learning and behavior fit for her turn, well read     
in poetry and other books — good ones, I warrant ye.    


'Tis well, and I have met a gentleman
Hath promised me to help me to another,    
A fine musician to instruct our mistress.
So shall I no whit be behind in duty    

While Gremio is hoping to get on Signor Baptista’s good side by presenting him with a language teacher for Bianca (a teacher who is really Lucentio in disguise), his rival Hortensio is adopting a strategy similar to Lucentio’s in an attempt to get access to Bianca. He’s going to disguise himself as a music teacher, and have his friend Petruchio present him to Signor Baptista when Petruchio goes to Baptista’s house to woo Katherina.