Using the Reading Comprehension Quizzes

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June 17, 2024
Using the Reading Comprehension Quizzes
Jamie Litton

At myShakespeare, we are always responding to the needs of our users with tools and features that make our digital textbook the most comprehensive educational Shakespeare resource available. One of our most recent features are our Reading Comprehension Quizzes. While our ungraded check-for-understanding quizzes are embedded alongside the text, our new RC quizzes are found at the end of each scene and allow teachers to conduct a more formal assessment to gauge their students’ understanding of a play. Here we will walk you through the steps for enabling RC quizzes and viewing student grades.

Before You Get Started

Before enabling Reading Comprehension Quizzes, you will need to have created an account under a “Teacher” profile and have set up at least one classroom. Please click the links to visit our how-to articles if you need support completing those steps!

Select Your Classroom

Once you have created a classroom, navigate to “My Account” and click on “Manage Classrooms”.

Select the classroom that you would like to enable RC Quizzes for.

Enable Quizzes

You will see a toggle next to each of our six plays that indicates if the RC quizzes have been enabled. Click the toggle for the play you would like to enable for your selected classroom.

Once enabled, students who have joined that classroom will now see RC quizzes at the bottom of each scene for the play you selected. You can preview and test the quizzes under your account by navigating to a scene and clicking the quiz at the bottom of the page. 

View Student Scores

Once you are ready to view your students’ test results, click on “View Answers” next to the enabled play.

Here you will be able to sort by Play, Act, and Scene in order to see your students’ scores. If you would like to allow a student to retake the quiz, click “Enable Retake” in your gradebook.

We hope this was a helpful tutorial for using the Reading Comprehension Quiz feature. Please feel free to send us any questions or feedback about RC Quizzes or any other feature of our site by emailing us at, or using our Contact Form.