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Cultural Context
Act 2,
Scene 1
Lines 339-341

An explanation of the word “dower” in Act 2, Scene 1 of myShakespeare’s The Taming of the Shrew.


'Tis deeds must win the prize, and he of both    
That can assure my daughter greatest dower   
Shall have my Bianca's love.

A dower, or dowry, can have several meanings related to money and marriage. Sometimes, as was the case earlier in reference to Katherina, it refers to money given by the bride’s family to a newlywed couple. Other times, when a potential bride is extremely desirable, it can refer to money paid by a suitor to obtain the father’s consent. In yet another sense, as is the case here, it’s akin to life insurance, assets which will go to the wife if she should outlive the husband.