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Act 5,
Scene 4

Brutus’ forces are still fighting. Cato’s young relative is killed. Some of Antony’s forces find Lucilius, who lies and says that he is Brutus. Antony’s men present the captured Lucilius to Antony, who immediately recognizes that he is not Brutus, but admits that he is nonetheless a worthy Roman captive.

Modern English: 
[Trumpet calls. Enter fighting, soldiers of both armies; then Brutus, Cato, Lucilius, and others]


Keep fighting, countrymen! Keep your heads high!


Which of your bastards is giving up? Who will go with me? I'll proclaim my name throughout the battlefield. I am the son of Marcus Cato! I am an enemy to tyrants and a friend to my country. I am the son of Marcus Cato!


And I am Brutus, Marcus Brutus! I am Brutus, a friend to my country! Know that I am Brutus!



Oh, young and noble Cato, have you been killed? Why, you die as bravely as Titinius, and may you be honored as Cato's son.

First Soldier

Surrender or die.


I will yield only to death. Here's some money for you to kill me right away. [Offering money] Kill Brutus, and be honored by my death.

First Soldier

We should not; what a noble prisoner he'll make!

Second Soldier

Make some room! Tell Antony that Brutus has been captured.

First Soldier

I'll tell him the news. Here he comes.

[Enter Antony]

Brutus has been captured, Brutus has been captured, my lord!


Where is he?


Brutus is safe, Antony, Brutus is safe enough. I assure you that no enemy will ever take noble Brutus alive. May the gods save him from such a great shame! When you find him, be it alive or dead, he'll be the noble Brutus.


This is not Brutus, friend. But I can assure you this man is a prize hardly less worthy. Keep this man safe, and treat him kindly. I would rather have men like him as my friends, not as my enemies. Go, see whether Brutus is alive or dead, and bring word to Octavius' tent how everything turns out.
