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Act 2,
Scene 3

Artemidorus reads a letter he has written, which warns Caesar not to trust the conspirators. He plans to hand it to Caesar before he gets to the Capitol.

Modern English: 


'Caesar, beware of Brutus. Be careful of Cassius. Don't go near Casca. Look out for Cinna. Don't trust Trebonius. Watch out for Metellus Cimber. Decius Brutus is not a friend to you. You have wronged Caius Ligarius. All these men are of one mind, and it is turned against you. If you're not immortal, watch out. Overconfidence leads the way to conspiracy. May the mighty gods defend you!

With love,


I'll stand here until Caesar passes by, and I'll give this to him like someone presenting a petition. It saddens me that virtue cannot live without being threatened by those who envy greatness. Oh Caesar, if you read this, you might still live; if not, then the Fates are working on the side of the traitors.