Brutus runs on his sword; Antony and Octavius triumph and forgive.

Brutus asks his followers in turn to help him kill himself honorably. He finally persuades Strato to help him and runs on his sword.


A follower of Brutus who refuses to help him kill himself.


A follower of Brutus who refuses to help him kill himself.


A servant of Brutus who is eventually persuaded to help him run on his sword.


Octavius enters with the conquering army, pardons all of the followers of Brutus, and promises to keep Brutus' body safe in his tent before a proper burial.


A noble Roman who has been captured and asks about what happened to Brutus.


Antony enters with the conquering army and calls Brutus the most honorable of the Romans.


Lucilius is a captive of the conquering army and asks after Brutus, pleased to know that he died honorably.


Soldiers in the army of Antony and Octavius.

Scene Summary: 

Brutus and his followers rest briefly in the field. Brutus asks each of them in turn to help him kill himself to avoid capture. Clitus, Dardanius, and Volumnius all refuse, and when Antony’s troops approach, they run away. Strato agrees to hold Brutus' sword while he runs on it, and Brutus thus commits suicide. Antony and Octavius find Strato and the dead Brutus. They ask what happened, and Antony says that Brutus’ suicide was in line with his noble nature. He promises to forgive all the men who were followers of Brutus, as Brutus was the only one of the conspirators who was truly honorable.