The battle comes to a close as Antony and Octavius claim victory.

A soldier and follower of Brutus who bravely enters battle and is killed.


Seeing Cato's body, Lucilius is captured and tells his captors he is Brutus.


Soldiers in Antony's army who apprehend Lucilius, who claims to be Brutus, and tell Antony they have captured Brutus.


Antony sees the captured Lucilius and recognizes that he is not Brutus, but takes him as a valued captive and goes to hear news of the battle's progress.

Scene Summary: 

Brutus’ forces are still fighting the battle. Some of Antony’s forces find Lucilius, who lies and says that he is Brutus. Antony’s men present the captured Lucilius to Antony, who immediately recognizes that he is not Brutus, but admits that he is nonetheless a worthy Roman captive.