Julius Caesar

[Enter Brutus, Dardanius, Clitus, Strato, and Volumnius]


Come, what is left of my friends, let's rest on this rock.


Statilius signaled us, my lord, but he hasn't come back. He's either been captured or killed.


Sit down, Clitus. Killing is the most likely, it seems to be in fashion. Listen, Clitus.

[Trumpet calls. Enter fighting, soldiers of both armies; then Brutus, Cato, Lucilius, and others]


Keep fighting, countrymen! Keep your heads high!


Which of your bastards is giving up? Who will go with me? I'll proclaim my name throughout the battlefield. I am the son of Marcus Cato! I am an enemy to tyrants and a friend to my country. I am the son of Marcus Cato!

[Trumpet calls. Enter Cassius and Titinius]


Oh look, Titinius, look, our own soldiers are running away! I've had to fight them. Even our flag-bearer was turning tail, so I killed the coward and took the flag from him.


Oh Cassius, Brutus gave the command too early for his troops to brake ranks and pursue the enemy. He had some success over Octavius, but he took it too eagerly. Now while his soldiers are off looting, we've been surrounded by Antony's forces.
